Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waves of Unpleasantness

I don't think I like working at Pier 1 anymore.. = ( and I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to get in trouble.. well I have reason to believe that I will.

It sucks because I really just got a good hang on things.. and it's not the actual work that's bad or troublesome it's really just the annoying change in management. I seriously didn't have much in the way of problems before besides the occasional irate customer.

Not to mention, it's not as fun as it used to be... I don't see the people I like as often and the assistant managers that were there before have left. Both of them had a lovely sense of humor, were considerate, flexible, and good with customers and what they do.

I mean I know I should cut the new ones some slack but they are really weird to work with and have odd temperaments among other things. Thinking to myself now, I realize I wouldn't be complaining about them that much but I'm realizing how much they're behavior affects the tone of my work day.. (which hasn't been all that good lately..) The same goes for the new store manager. I hate when she is there.

I dunno. It's just been wave after wave of unpleasantness and I don't get paid that much so, although I could use the money, it's not that big a motivator.
However I know well enough that there are much worse places to work than Pier 1, even the way it is now, so for now that's keeping me there. Maybe I'll pick up an application at Barnes & Nobles though..

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