Monday, November 14, 2011


I had just come out of the shower when i noticed that my skin was itchy and dry.. and I scratched it and made it even more irritated. It was mostly on my limbs, my excema bumps on my arms were prominent and a tad flakey and my legs were just ashy and irritated from scratching. In my desperation to relieve myself I grabbed some old Aveeno lotion.. and started covering one of my legs with it... However it turned out to be so gross smelling and it doesn't feel very nice. The smell is weird like unwashed bathing suit saturated in chlorine. It sucks because I just showered.. I'll have to hop in the shower 2moro and exfoliate (and get this gross aveeno off me).
I used my C.O. Bigelow lemon body cream for the spots on my arms as well as my other leg.

Basically, I need new body lotion. C.O. Bigelow is too small for daily use as well as expensive.. The Burt's Bees I have is also expensive and doesn't absorb well in my skin (the scent isn't terrible but it's not my favorite and it's very strong.

Hmm.. St. Ives seems uninteresting.. I'm considering Giovanni products.. I like the packaging and the natural ingredients including their choice of oils. Their shampoo seems to get good reviews as well.

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