Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's the end of November now and we're moving on to the holly jolly holiday season. My stepdad is a bit on top of me about telling him what I want for Christmas so he has time to get it while it's on sale or find it for cheaper. Sigh, I really don't know what I want for christmas yet.


Even though I think I've been eating more junk, apparently I've reached my goal weight. Our scale is kind of old so I wish I had another one to confirm it on. However, my friend did try it out herself and said that it read her correct weight when she went on it.

Lol it (my goal weight) doesn't look quite like I thought it would but maybe that's because it's not really toned or anything. I wonder if I could lose a few more pounds because I've never been under this weight (since before middleschool). Very interesting! Hopefully it stays off!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Xoloxolo Olo

I think I've finally decided what type of dog I want; the xolocuintli. A cool, unique, non-man-made breed. It comes in multiple sizes, doesn't shed and is supposedly intelligent and personable. Plus, the puppies are adorable! They are also called 'Mexican Hairless' or just 'Xolos' for short.

I read somewhere that the really dark ones are less prone to skin problems. I definitely want one that's like pitch black or super dark grey.

"General Disagreement"?

"General disagreement **
Valid during many months: On the negative side, this can be a time of furious conflict with others. Recent actions by you or by other people may have created energies that lead to anger, rage and general disagreement between you and others. If you have not been careful to enlist people to your side in any work that required your individual initiative and if you have alienated them thereby, you may find now that the forces of opposition have become too great to control.

The other side of this transit is quite different and much more positive. It can mean a time when some activity you started in the past is brought to a triumphal climax. However, you had to face a challenge that tested the validity of what you were doing. If you survived that challenge successfully, you will now enjoy the fruition of that effort. "

I've never gotten a horoscope quite like this before... I'm really hoping that the negative isn't the one that comes to pass but I feel like it will be.. that, however, might just be the mild anxiety talking.
Tread carefully I will..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

On Perfume, This Blog, Black Friday, And Lotion.

I'm still looking for a good lotion. St. Ives' Whipped silk was discontinued >:(

Some other interesting news is that I purchased something on Black Friday, two Milani Liquif'eye eye liner pencils. It's probably my first ever, personal, Black Friday purchase in life :). It was pretty fun even though I only shopped online. Milani is a bit expensive for me normally, but they are good pencils that I needed and I figured I would've gotten them in the future but then they'd be normal price!

Shipping was a bit high though = (

Also, while I was writing this I made a decision to condense some of my product hunting posts unless I'm really into something in particular. I really don't restrain myself here and let myself be implusive but I'm sad that's all I wrote about this month really, is minor things about stuff (items). It is mostly what I've been thinking about lately though (a good chunk of it).

Things are starting to get heavy again though.. (lol or maybe it's just PMS.)

Ok, so back to stuff...
I'm surprised I still haven't purchased any perfume! I'm still being really cheap and hesitating because of the prices. Like, for the price, I want something I REALLY like and can also wear every day because I don't get to buy luxury items all that often.. (lol need to save money).

I definitely have a few favorites but I've yet to come to a decision as to which to buy... for a few reasons.. whether it's the bottle style compared to one or whether one is more representative of my personality.. or it's too mature for me at this age. etc.

Hopefully I'll find something soon.. I think when I get the feel of Spring and things start moving faster the right choice will just hit me.


I'm feeling anxious again lately and more sensitive to my concerns about school, applying to them, and certain personal relationships (feeling a little alone as well).

I think it might be, in large part, the onset of PMS. :(

(I got a bloaty belly too but that might be from eating so much Thanksgiving food.) The distress always makes me feel compelled to read my long term horoscope forecasts which does help me put certain things in perspective sometimes. It also reminds me of what I need/should be doing in life.


I read a few interesting internet guides/articles about meditation just now. I think I would really benefit from starting up again (with meditation) and sticking with it better this time lol.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


These fritters are getting less and less and even less tasty than they alrdy are. Ugh I hate BBQ flavored things >.<

Day Before T Day

Eatin BBQ flavored chicken fritters that are more fritters than chicken and watching the new TRON movie.

Waiting for minnie to call me back too.

I can't wait to get this application stuff over with again = (

Gotta remember to stop by the high school on MONDAY = (

My mom is prolly gonna come home later and complain about my room.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I take back what I said about giovanni and st. ives! I mean I might try Giovanni shampoo but I think for affordable lotion I'll try St. Ives whipped silk!


I had just come out of the shower when i noticed that my skin was itchy and dry.. and I scratched it and made it even more irritated. It was mostly on my limbs, my excema bumps on my arms were prominent and a tad flakey and my legs were just ashy and irritated from scratching. In my desperation to relieve myself I grabbed some old Aveeno lotion.. and started covering one of my legs with it... However it turned out to be so gross smelling and it doesn't feel very nice. The smell is weird like unwashed bathing suit saturated in chlorine. It sucks because I just showered.. I'll have to hop in the shower 2moro and exfoliate (and get this gross aveeno off me).
I used my C.O. Bigelow lemon body cream for the spots on my arms as well as my other leg.

Basically, I need new body lotion. C.O. Bigelow is too small for daily use as well as expensive.. The Burt's Bees I have is also expensive and doesn't absorb well in my skin (the scent isn't terrible but it's not my favorite and it's very strong.

Hmm.. St. Ives seems uninteresting.. I'm considering Giovanni products.. I like the packaging and the natural ingredients including their choice of oils. Their shampoo seems to get good reviews as well.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Promenade Cosmetics

So I found this little cosmetics store (similar to Sally's) in the shopping center where I work! I had no idea it was there previously and don't know if it was new or if I just hadn't noticed it. It's a little dinky but supplies are supplies and they are pretty well stocked on hair stuff. It was also surprising to find that they sell quite a bit of perfumes/fragrances.. a lot of bad stuff but a few good, obscure ones.. which was interesting.

Mostly I'm happy to note that they sell Queen Helene Products! Notably, the Queen Helene masks! Today I got the mud pack masque and I'm considering getting the Mint Julep one the next time I stop by!

I'm using the mask for the first time right now and I'm really hoping it'll help with my pores.

Tr*sha Eggs

My manager smells like eggs!!! T___T It's already bad when people don't like you but then you smell literallly tooo.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I think I'm..scratch that! I'm definitely too sedentary lately..! Even though I do plenty of moving around at work.

I'm starting to get out of it though; getting the urge to get out and about again during the day.


Alijah isn't around. He makes me feel pretty lonely sometimes = (. Like even if I had more friends to hang out with I'd still feel pretty down overall because I hadn't talked to him.

Leaving Paradise.

I reread Paradise Kiss today.. there's just so much to say and I probably won't be able to say all of it. It was really.... I mean, I had read it before when I was younger and liked it but this time around it was sooo WOW.... Chapter after chapter it was so relate-able to me in a weird way. The relationship between Yukari and George, dealing with natural immaturity/selfishness..and stubborn, warped personalites.. and their expectations of each other, really spoke to me. There were many other things too though.. especially the ending. I mean I get it but.. of course there's the part of me that's screaming for a typical shojo happy ending.. where they overcome all odds and stay together :3 It's almost unsatisfying when I remember that they really do not.

Idk.. It was just a freakishly impressive piece of work.

I hope I meet great people to value and have life changing/affirming experiences.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First Yogurty Results

So I did my bubz inspired yogurt mask! And although I'm not quite sure that my skin is all that much softer it does feel a bit plumper and got rid of the bit of very light pattern dryness I had before. It also felt really nice, especially since the yogurt was straight out of the fridge and had been in there awhile. My face looks brighter and the mask was VERY refreshing. Overall, definitely a great pick me up.

I also think using a different yogurt would give one different/better results and I would love to try it again with a different yogurt.

Yogurt Mask!

It only dawned on me recently how nice it is to use a face mask after a long day. Unfortunately I can't use my Skin Food Rice Mask more than once a week or it makes my face look a little weird (plus I don't have that much of it). Good thing I caught bubzbeauty's vid where she uses yogurt as a face mask to hydrate skin! Great idea for me! Generally it's inexpensive and I do tend to have yogurt around.


Totally did not reach my post quota again! Fail! like my Halloween.

Waves of Unpleasantness

I don't think I like working at Pier 1 anymore.. = ( and I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to get in trouble.. well I have reason to believe that I will.

It sucks because I really just got a good hang on things.. and it's not the actual work that's bad or troublesome it's really just the annoying change in management. I seriously didn't have much in the way of problems before besides the occasional irate customer.

Not to mention, it's not as fun as it used to be... I don't see the people I like as often and the assistant managers that were there before have left. Both of them had a lovely sense of humor, were considerate, flexible, and good with customers and what they do.

I mean I know I should cut the new ones some slack but they are really weird to work with and have odd temperaments among other things. Thinking to myself now, I realize I wouldn't be complaining about them that much but I'm realizing how much they're behavior affects the tone of my work day.. (which hasn't been all that good lately..) The same goes for the new store manager. I hate when she is there.

I dunno. It's just been wave after wave of unpleasantness and I don't get paid that much so, although I could use the money, it's not that big a motivator.
However I know well enough that there are much worse places to work than Pier 1, even the way it is now, so for now that's keeping me there. Maybe I'll pick up an application at Barnes & Nobles though..