Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lip Balm Lip Balm

So I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in the past buying Nivea Kiss Of Moisture Essential Lip Care. It was a suggestion by 'real simple' for lips in winter. It's not bad, really soft, so a lot comes off at once. It is moisturizing but on the other hand if you're not used to feeling like there's 'something on your lips' then this might take some getting used to. It feels something akin to vaseline, it might even be softer.
I was the type who didn't like feeling stuff on my lips but I was desperate to get rid of / treat my chappyness.

The real significance of this product however was that it gave me a new appreciation for my Burt's Bees lip balm. I went back to Burt's Bees after using Nivea for awhile, applying it just like I normally used to, and automatically felt how little of the product I was using. Basically, I realized I wasn't getting the full effect of Burt's Bees because I hadn't been putting on enough. Using the right amount it definitely lasts a pretty long time (it did for me, overnight!) and after awhile I did see less peeling of my lips! (without even exfoliating)

(You may have to re-apply after eating and drinking but I don't think that's a big deal.)

(Part of the reason that I think my lip balm doesn't have staying power is that when I put it on I start constantly rubbing my lips together, and sometimes licking them and such.)

So yeah, I'll definitely be buying more Burt's Bees balm when I get a chance. I'm really interested in trying more of the different types/flavors. As for Nivea Kiss Of Moisture well.. I would definitely get it as a supplement in winter (not in the summer because it would melt I think). But I'm still open to trying something else.. Thinking about trying 'Baby Lips' from Maybelline and going back to the past for some classic lip smackers :3

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