Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brooklyn College: The Final Battle

So I've gotten into Brooklyn College and City College, two of my top choices if you remember from some of my posts before. Go figure, things aren't going as well as I'd hoped or fantasized however, even though these schools are close and can't get much cheaper. Thanks for making my pre-college experience, distressing, traumatizing, and sad mother.

My dad is being as supportive as he can be though and we (including my mom and stepdad) are going to visit the Brooklyn College area this Friday. It seems like progress but I feel like it'll be really awkward. There are no official tours or freshman seminars that day so we'll just be putting around. With my dad it's fine but my mom and stepdad are not so easy going or flexible. They just have the biggest aversion to 'winging it' (so freaking up tight sometimes).

Hopefully something unexpected in a good way happens! I'm really hoping there would be.. I'm preparing myself for if I really have to stay here and commute but my dad seems eager to pull through for me and I really appreciate that. I feel a bit defeated but I don't want to give up.

There's just so much to do and so little time to do it. And I can't even do the necessary crap I have to until some major decisions are made.. but seriously I dont have time to wait around for those!. Sigh.. I'd like to fast forward a month.

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